Väjern - Hunnebostrand

Looking towards  The Sote Canal Entrance South, view from SE (Väjern)

SE Entrance Area to the Canal









South Entrance of Sotekanalen (The Sote Canal)
This canal was built by  some 400 jobless stonemasons and stone-cutters in the early 30s.
Site manager for this enormous project was Tage Bergulf
who was the one introducing the huge dynamite loads of approximately 300 kg per blast.

Later such blasts were also applied at Malö strömmar (Malö Channel) however they had been developed,
 improved and increased to 2225 kg, 5000 kg and at one point even 9500 kg
 changing e.g. Björnsundet from being a passage of  4 m in width and a depth of 2 m into an impressive 40 m wide and 8.8 m deep passage.

Här har vi nu södra inloppet till Sotekanalen och vi har Tryggö föröver om babord.




















Utanför (W) Olsten i södra delen av Sotekanalen  (2013-09-13)
















Här går Kjell B "Nordover"


















Haby bukt




Det där med knop & hastighet ...
















[Foto av Bengt Johansson, Rörvik V]














[Foto av Bengt Johansson, Rörvik V]














[Foto av Bengt Johansson, Rörvik V]












[Foto av Bengt Johansson, Rörvik V]












[Foto av Bengt Johansson, Rörvik V]




Inre farleden Väjern - Sotekanalen


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